Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Word Painting of Peggy's Cove...

Green hills scattered with gray-white boulders rise up on either side of the road as sparse trees and glittering little lakes flash past the windows. Above the white and green and blue of the hills stretches the vast azure dome of the sky. Silvery clouds like a thousand heavenly islands march in soft pattern toward the horizon beyond the hills. As the hills slope down to the sapphire and sea-foam waves, the grass and trees give way to smooth, sloping rock, white and black and red, marching down in jumbled tiers and dips to the everlasting murmur of a sea that has lived longer than any mortal man. What tales that deep ocean could tell, of sailing ships and settlers and humanity’s selfish wars! I wish I could understand the voices of the sea…surely the waves would be master storytellers!

There is a lighthouse of simple lines and innocent, pure colours, white with a red top. Against the backdrop of clouds and sky, the lighthouse stands resolute. It is a true and honest building, in a true and honest place of clean, clear colour…no pretense. Yes, there is danger…the deceptive sea could reach fingers of white onto the closest rocky reaches without warning, but the land is not a liar. It is simply itself: A place of peace and beauty, a natural testament to a divine creator…the rocks cry out; the sea whispers- songs of praise. The wind sweeps in across the smooth rock coastline, carrying the cool scent of unpolluted ocean; a heavenly perfume of land and sea and sky.

This place is: austere, but welcoming, silent and wise, ancient and hopeful, and…free. Despite the flocking tourists and the lovely fishing village that draws them…despite the development and civilization that reaches out to the lighthouse on the rocks, this place is still itself. It is forever wild, unchangeable... solid, like another rock I know…

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand…all other ground is sinking sand!

~ KMM, July 31st, 2010

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